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Something For Your New Year


Michelle Boxell Posted by: Michelle Boxell 4 weeks ago

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution? Maybe you made one or two, or maybe none at all. One resolution we at Cardinal encourage you to make is one that we are ready to help you to keep.

We urge you to volunteer in your community – and we invite you to volunteer with us! At Cardinal Services we have a variety of volunteer opportunities, and we do our best to shape each experience to the individual volunteer.

Sounds good, but what does that mean?

It means that if you want to come in to spend an hour with us sharing a recipe in our Culinary Club, we’ll make sure that’s what you get to do. We won’t move you to another task or location. We want you to have a meaningful experience when you volunteer at Cardinal Services – and there are many ways to achieve this.

What are my options?

Cardinal has a number of volunteer locations and opportunities, including:

I. Day Services Club Rooms, where you can spend time alongside people in one of our club rooms. There are so many things you might do. Here are just a few examples:

  • paint with someone in RedBird Art Studio
  • teach a yoga class in our Fitness Center
  • lead the S.T.E.M. Club in a fun experiment
  • join Lego Club for a build session
  • accept a Mario Bros challenge in our Gaming Club
  • join members of our Volunteer Club as they deliver meals to seniors or prep lunch at Fellowship Missions
  • share your gardening skills working with our Garden Club

II. Head Start, where you can volunteer in a Head Start classroom with the children. You may choose to:

  • read to 3-to-5 year-olds
  • play with children on the payground and in the classroom
  • assist the teacher during lessons

III. Maintenance is a great chance to gather some friends or co-workers to help us do some sprucing up in the spring or fall. We have group homes and other buildings that would benefit from your energy!

How often would I volunteer?

When and how often you volunteer is entirely up to you! Some Cardinal volunteers come in at a set time each week, working with the same people and developing relationships with them. Others come whenever they have some time to give, sometimes doing the same job, other times trying something new. Still others are one-time volunteers seeking to learn about us and give of their time. Whatever time you have to give, you are welcome at Cardinal Services!

How do I learn more about becoming a Cardinal volunteer?

For more information, contact our volunteer coordinator, Michelle Boxell by calling 574.371.1387 or emailing