Pre-Employment Transition Services
Exploring Possibilities for the Future

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) helps students with disabilities prepare for life after high school by enhancing their hard and soft skills, exploring employment and education options, and participating in on-site job training.

Core Services
Pre-ETS focuses on five core services to help with a seamless transition from high school to employment or post-secondary education.
Job exploration counseling
- Discussion of students’ vocational interests
- Review of local labor market and in-demand industries and occupations
- Non-traditional employment options
- Identification of career pathways of interest to the students
Work-based learning experiences
- Apprenticeships and job shadowing
- Paid and non-paid internships and/or work experiences
- Informational interviews
- Volunteering
Workplace readiness training
- Training on communication, problem solving, and other interpersonal skills as well as independent living skills
Counseling on postsecondary opportunities
- Gaining awareness of career paths
- Promoting participation in postsecondary education
- Attending college fairs and tours
- Accessing services from agencies that assist people with disabilities
Instruction in self-advocacy
- Training on self-awareness, disclosure of disability, and knowing individual rights and responsibilities

Any student age 14 to 22 with an IEP, 504 plan or other documentation of disability that would potentially qualify them for Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is eligible for Pre-ETS. Students do not need to apply for VR.

School Partners
Our partners include schools in the following counties: