Summer Services at Head Start

Posted by: Michelle Boxell
5 years ago

Passing by the Warsaw Head Start building these days, you might be surprised to see children outside learning and playing. Typically, Kosciusko County Head Start follows the school calendar and does not serve children in the summer months. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Head Start transitioned to at-home distance learning in March, but recently the Office of Head Start released funding that allowed Head Start to offer a “catch-up” summer program for enrolled children who are transitioning to kindergarten in August.
What the program offers:
The summer program is being held at the Head Start Warsaw center at 811 S. Buffalo Street. Teaching and learning is very individualized with four teaching staff working with only ten students in each classroom, and quality learning activities include daily opportunities for reading, writing, STEM activities, and outdoor exploration.
- The summer program for Head Start children attending kindergarten this fall is running from June 22 – July 17, Monday through Friday, seven hours a day.
- Teachers are focusing on kindergarten readiness skills and helping children learn about kindergarten and preparing them for the transition.
Why the summer program is important:
During the stay-at-home order Head Start teachers continued to provide activities and distance learning opportunities for their students, and this summer program gives the kindergarten bound children the opportunity to be back in the classroom, receiving hands-on experiences that continue to build skills before they move to kindergarten. Children are able to socialize with peers and practice following the daily school routine they missed this spring.
Having the summer program for our daughter means helping her get a hand up going into kindergarten.
~ Renee, Head Start Parent
Keeping kids and staff safe:
The health and safety of the children and staff are of the highest importance. During the summer session, all staff working with children are wearing face masks, and parents are able to request their child wear a mask at school. Masks are provided by Head Start to all staff and children. Classroom size is limited to 11 students, meals are being served in the classrooms, and outdoor play is limited to one class at a time. Extra cleaning and sanitizing is completed daily.
I just can’t wait to play with kids again!
~ Trystyn, age 5

Interested in Head Start? Apply Now!
Head Start is currently accepting applications for the 2020-2021 school year. Eligible children must be 3 years old on or before August 1, 2020. The school year begins on August 18, 2020.
To set an application appointment, call Kim at 574-371-1461 or Jesus at 574-371-1488.