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A Word From WIC

Family & Children

Michelle Boxell Posted by: Michelle Boxell 5 years ago

Around the world each year, individuals and organizations celebrate World Breastfeeding Week from August 1-7.  This year’s theme is Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet! The celebration is focused on the affordability and sustainability of breastfeeding and how it translates to responsible consumption.

How Does Breastfeeding Protect Our Planet?

  • Mothers’ milk does not come in costly cans and creates no garbage.
  • Breast milk comes ready and at the right temperature. There’s no need to use resources to sterilize water and mix store-bought infant formula.
  • Breastfeeding saves precious water.
  • Breastfeeding supports responsible consumption as a lifetime of nutritious food choices starts with breastfeeding.

How does WIC help this effort?

Through WIC, breastfeeding creates sustainable cities and communities. This is done through breastfeeding peer counselors and staff who help mothers meet their breastfeeding goals.  The WIC families who receive this support often then shares their knowledge about breastfeeding with family and friends. This creates community as they support others in their breastfeeding journeys.

Each mother’s journey is a personal and individual one. Our Kosciusko County WIC Office stands ready to help you and your family as you begin on your path. We invite you to click the button below to see if WIC might be for you.