WIC (Women, Infants and Children)
Serving Kosciusko, Miami, and Wabash Counties

WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new moms, infants, and children eat well and stay healthy by improving access to nutritious foods and promoting healthier eating and lifestyles. Cardinal Services provides WIC services in Kosciusko, Miami and Wabash counties.

What Does WIC Provide?
More details on the program, including how to apply and approved foods and formulas, is available through the Indiana WIC website.

Who Is Eligible?
Within eligibility guidelines for income and nutritional risk factors, WIC serves:
This prescreening tool can help you determine whether you might be eligible for WIC.

What Should I Bring to My WIC Appointment?
Click to download a list of what to bring.
Our Locations

Kosciusko County WIC
1515 Provident Dr, Suite 120
Warsaw, IN 46580
Monday: 11 am to 7 pm
Tuesday through Friday: 9 am to 5pm

Miami County WIC
726 N Broadway
Peru, IN 46970
Monday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm
Tuesday: 11am to 1:30 pm; 2 to 7pm (1st & 3rd Tuesday of month)
Tuesday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm (2nd, 4th, & 5th Tuesday of month)
Thursday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm

Wabash County WIC
1149 N Cass St
Wabash, IN 46992
Tuesday: 11am to 1:30pm; 2 to 7pm (2nd & 4th Tuesday of month)
Tuesday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm (1st, 3rd, & 5th Tuesday of month)
Wednesday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm
Thursday: 9am to noon; 12:30 to 5pm

Download the Indiana WIC App
You can use the Indiana WIC app to:

Nutrition & Program Information
A wealth of information is available at your fingertips through Indiana WIC at https://indiana.wicresources.org/.
Access trusted information anywhere you go – on your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.
Most materials are available in both English and Spanish.
Program Booklet Information for clients is available in English, Spanish, Burmese, Hakha Chin, Creole, and Arabic.

Breastfeeding Support
The Milk Bank believes that human milk is best for all babies. When mothers’ own milk is not available, pasteurized donor human milk is dispensed by prescription or hospital order primarily to premature infants in hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
The Kosciusko County WIC Program is proud to be a Milk Depot for The Milk Bank. If interested in becoming a donor, please contact The Milk Bank at (317) 536-1670 or toll-free (877) 829-7470. www.themilkbank.org
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.