Kosciusko Area Bus Service (KABS) is creating a new deviated fixed bus route system and is seeking public input. To give the community an opportunity to learn more and provide feedback, KABS will host a public forum from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, at the Warsaw Community Public Library.
KABS has partnered with the Michiana Area Council of Governments and the Indiana Department of Transportation to develop a new bus route system in and around the city of Warsaw. The new system will be in addition to the current on-demand service which will still be available in the city and throughout the county.
The new route will operate on a fixed schedule but can deviate up to two times per hour within a half-mile radius to accommodate passengers with mobility challenges or those in low-density areas. While high-traffic stops are already identified, KABS seeks input from the community on stops of high value to them. The forum will also provide an opportunity to learn about the system and offer feedback to ensure it meets community needs.
According to KABS General Manager Kristin Rude, “We have been researching ways to improve transportation services to our community and believe a deviated fixed route is one way to do this.”
Rude added that she hopes riders and other community members will attend the forum to learn about the new system, but also to offer their input on proposed fixed stops and voice any concerns or questions they may have. KABS will be available to provide rides free of charge to and from the meeting. To schedule a ride, call KABS dispatch at 574.267.4990.